Thursday, November 4, 2010

Make me bleed

Its amazing
how many people through the years
bullshitted their way into my life
well I gotta tell Ya somethin


I had enough of this shit
empty promises, false prophesies
people I never met wanting to be my friend
The stories they come up with
i could fill books

I believe in things I see, I know
things which I know are real

I don't need to proof myself
to anyone apart myself

I don't give a shit
what you can
who you are
who you with
good for you
but leave
me the fuck alone

you know what?
proof yourself to me
I thought so.....

I know what I can
I know who I am
I know who I wanna be

But what do you know about me?
Fucking shit

I know what I need
to live the life I want
I know what makes me happy
Well for sure its not YOU.

You wonna punch me
go on try your luck
nothing I ain't seen before
nothing I ain't felt before
but I gotta tell ya
I love the smell of blood

You think you can hurt me?
Well you don't even know my pain.

Make me bleed and you'll see.