Monday, November 8, 2010

Boys, Toys & Women

Well I gotta admit in some way I'll never grow up

A little while ago I went to Newmarket to get my Bike serviced

While waiting for it I went for a walk in the town
now I've been there before and I always walked past this toyshop

This time I went in and I loved it
I felt like a little boy at Xmas

They have all those oldschool army toys
tanks, little soldiers with bazookas ect.

That made me think
about us men and toys
we always need and will have our toys
you get older and they get bigger
and more expansive

We still buy toycars of the ones we dream of and
may never can afford
but we have one in our vitrine

Some still 'play' with toy trains, remote controlled things....

and some lucky ones have the real thing
the real cars....

And yes in some way that is also
with women

Yes we dream of that star and this singer
but realistically we will never even meet them
but we do have that Playboy pictures in our garage, locker....

There are some goals in my life

and yes I am very materialistic
and yes one day I will have that car, that house and that bike I want

But i am also realistic that I will never be with that women

So I am happy with what I have and stick to it

....... but I am gonna buy that car..............